Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Another One

I'm fighting the urge to type "woohoo".... I read back over my last couple of blogs, and apparently that's my favorite way to start 'em!

It kinda makes me feel excited...haha...anyway, here's another bracelet I made. The pearls are looking a little funny in this picture because I forgot to make sure the left side was behaving...see, the line is supposed to follow the curve of the petals but somehow they didn't!

It's cool, I'll fix it later. Anyway, I really like this one and thought I'd show off a little bit. So...ta-da!!!

Hope everyone is having a great November so far!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yay for Bracelets!

Woohoo! I finished this pretty Swirly Bracelet a night or two ago...

It took a little longer than planned because I ran into a few snafus along the way. But as you can see, all is well. I plan to do a few more in different colors if this one does well on Etsy.

It's about an inch wide and fits about a 6" wrist. I actually posted a pic of it on my own wrist on Etsy, but I'll leave that out here.

Oh yeah! I'm still taking applications for hand models. I had to wave mine around in the air like a crazy person for about ten minutes to get those giant veins of mine to shrink a little before the picture turned out well enough!! It's no fun. So come on people, step up. I need your hands.